Friday, August 26, 2005

In honor of Walter William's unique style of breaking complex ideas into simple ones, I feel it's worth revisiting one of the standard bogeymen of the right, the United Nations. I've heard this stated before, but it is certainly worth reiterating. In an organization of free nations and dictatorships, both cannot coexist in a vacuum. Eventually, one's behavior is going to rub off on the others. The only other alternative is, one side or the other will begin to distance themselves, in an attempt to avoid just such a thing, rendering such an arrangement moot.

Imagine if you had a house, and you took pride in it and cared for it. Then relatives of yours came to live with you, hoping that by pooling your money and resources, you'd all have a better life in this big house. Sounds like a good idea, right, but then you realize that many of your relatives are freeloaders, beat their kids, suppress their wives, steal from you, and leave a mess wherever they go.

You have two choices, you can try to clean up after them, but this usually gets tiring and you become resentful. This will always lead to you lowering your standards, because you're surrounded by their decadence every single day. Or, you can kick them out to the curb, with a big bootprint on their backside as a reminder. You're not going to change them, so maybe a dose of tough love will wake them up or at least show them you're no one to be trifled with. Do you agree with that model? Now you're the United States, and that's why it's no longer healthy for us to be in the United Nations.


Blogger LP Mike Sylvester said...

Walters is awesome. He makes an awful lot of sense.

8:38 PM  

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