Wednesday, November 16, 2005

If You're Going to San Francisco...

Don't bring a gun or speak your mind if your view on a subject is to the right of Mao. And for godsakes don't be a military recruiter. Y'know, I've been to San Francisco a couple of times. I ate a great Mongolian barbecue there, drove up Mount Diablo. Great place, very picturesque. Apparently, that inspires, instills, or just attracts those whose views are anchored hard left and they've moved their in droves. Between a homeless welfare system that is arguably one of the best in the country, and one of the most overrun because of it, and their views so far outside of even other Californian citizens' line of sight, it's not a wonder a slew of online articles and blog posts are being written about the latest developments. And no one is very positive.

If any municipality wants to act like the Constitution doesn't hold sway there, either State or Federal, they often find, usually at the end of a judicial boot, that their efforts range from futile to clinically delusional. San Francisco is no exception, with gay marriages that were in violation of state law and even another gun ban in 1982 that didn't stand up to the legal test, the rulers of San Francisco feel that they are the highest authority in the land and that they should be the only ones necessary to consult. The fact that the majority of the city's citizenry seems to suffer the same mass delusion only feeds the flames.

How such a ban is supposed to work, especially in the light of such failed bans as Chicago's and Washington DC's, is anyone's guess. I keep hearing that this was more of an opinion poll or feel-good gesture, and that's the left's excuses. Laws are not meant to be opinion polls or feel-good gestures. Perhaps that's why such law and judicial cases that foster similar laws are so poorly grounded and like so many houses of cards. The reason those who foster them are so paranoid to keep them is because deep down, they realize this too. Perhaps they hope that once, just once, someone will look the other way and they can have their facist day in the sun.

As goes California, so goes the rest of the nation, the old saying says. God, I hope not. As San Francisco goes, so do the nation's asylums (or major political parties --- same difference), it would seem.


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