Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Usual Suspects

The immigration demonstrations this weekend seemed organized on a massive scale, one usually associated with groups that have experience rallying such crowds to their cause. Typically, this has included the big, old guard communist fronts like International ANSWER. More recently, groups such as United For Peace and Justice and People for the American Way have taken up their places as fronts for ANSWER to try and provide a not-so-severe socialist façade to these organized protests.

Typically, these protests in recent years have been anti-war, and mostly anti-U.S. in nature. This has been the primary cause the Far Left has had to rally around. However, a new cause has arisen to join the tired old anti-war protestors. Now they can argue another neo-Marxist favorite, that America is racist because it deigns to do something, anything about the problem of illegal immigration.

Frankly, I don’t feel the U.S. government is eager to do anything about illegal immigration. I don’t consider that too broad of a statement. The government has flirted with “reform” in the past only by offering amnesty to all illegals in the country at that time. How this is considered reform is beyond me. Although the politicos of today know it is political suicide to advocate amnesty again, make no mistake that they would rather do this than actually engage the issue.

It has been shown time and again that the American electorate overwhelmingly is in favor of more secure borders and harsher treatment for illegal immigrants. When I say harsher treatment, I don’t mean the thumb screw and boiling oil type so much as the kick them out on their rear type. The current catch-and-release program is more akin to a schoolyard game than a legitimate federal policy.

One of the fundamental principles and duties of a nation is to protect its sovereignty, of which the major part of that is strong borders. If it cannot do that, it cannot do anything more important, like defend its peoples. Honestly, how can we ascribe to this government any legitimacy if it cannot perform this basic function?

And the U.S. government suffers here from a decided selfish interest in keeping the illegals and encouraging future illegal immigration. For the Left in the form of the Democrats and some Republicans, it is worthwhile to bring them in and convert them to citizens to increase their voter and/or tax base. Through that alone, illegal immigration is basically institutionalized in our government. Also, there are significant sectors of our leadership, mostly on the Left but some on the Right who wish to keep these illegals flooding in as a sort of permanent underclass. Consider this.

Legal immigrants coming into the country who follow the path to citizenship assimilate more easily into American culture, revenue generation and collection than illegals by an exponential factor. They have more opportunity and more chance at success and upward mobility because they get “in the system”. Illegals are never “in the system”, not completely at least. They are enough in that they are exploited, but not enough in that they enjoy the full benefits of citizenship or contribute the full productivity of it either. They certainly have little or no upward mobility. Hence, you get your permanent underclass.

There are significant elements of the Left that also want to see this in the form of a “new proletariat” to exploit. Because they are disenfranchised and because they have little hope of getting into the system, they are exploitable as both “a cause” and a constituency. This is already a standard formula with LEGAL immigrants in Europe. They are not assimilated and thus have become a festering sore that will eventually put Europe to the unenviable test of confronting a hostile and isolated significant population in its own backyard. We have already seen the opening salvos with the continuing riots in France, the “honor killings” in Germany and the outright cowing and murder in Denmark of those who oppose the immigrant Islamic minority. Will we wait until we see the same with our illegal population here in the United States?

A strange collusion of portions of our own government and the Old Guard Marxist Left have come together to push this issue each in their own way in defiance of the overall will of the American citizenry. This past weekend, we saw it in its most naked form. Massive rallies with Marxist markings were held in major American cities with maximum participation of illegal immigrants and little concern that the government would act to round up and expel those illegal immigrants. Protesters against a bank that offered mortgage loans to illegal immigrants in Munster, Indiana were assaulted by illegal immigrants or at the very least their supporters. Again, minor police involvement, just enough to get the assaulted men away and get them medical treatment. Worse, those “counter-protestors” interviewed were distributing socialist literature using the old canards of racism and class-warfare, the telltale Marxist warhorses. They equally seemed unrepentant and wishful of a worse fate to those who opposed illegal immigration.

The legal immigrant community is not behind the illegals. The American people in general are not behind the illegals. Only an odd combination of groups who seek to remake America into their own image, career politicians and old school Marxists (now there’s an odd, if not strangely related combination) form an unusual oligarchy in their attempt to shape and direct this issue to amnesty and increase of an unassimilated and potentially hostile population within our borders; at the very least, a population that is used as a shield for criminals and worse.

Congressman Mike Pence of Indiana said yesterday that it’s a pipe dream to assume we can actually remove any significant part of this illegal population from the country, that we must seal the borders and then find some “reasonable” way to deal with them. Perhaps he’s right. Perhaps treating those legal immigrants unfairly by letting those who could vault a fence or swim a river jump ahead of them is the only recourse. Someone will get slighted, so why not those who can do the least about it, eh? The fundamental problem to this is, it’s already been done. It’s been done in the past and it will be done in the future. Those in power have no desire to “fix” something they don’t even consider a legitimate problem, even the most sincere among them. And those that do have a legitimate desire are painted as racists and hatemongers. What is a population to do? That’s a question I can’t even begin to answer faced with such daunting odds. Any takers?


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