Thursday, May 04, 2006

May Day Parade

May 1st here in the U.S. saw a time-honored tradition that’s not practiced even in the country where it used to be most celebrated. The annual Worker’s Parade or May Day Parade was a major event in major cities across the country this year. The biggest difference was, in addition to the normal “Workers of the World Unite” claptrap, the Far Left has managed to tag on immigrant rights as its newest banner.

Providing a pretty fusion of worker’s rights and racism, the latest craze among the Far Left of “immigration reform” consists of the attempt to break down the sovereignty of the United States while winning money and converts to the cause of such groups as International ANSWER and its parent group the World Worker’s Party. It goes without saying that such groups have never forgiven the U.S. under Reagan for tarring and feathering the old Soviet Union. They have spent the years since the collapse of that old cesspool of evil and corruption acting like little pygmies throwing darts at the mammoth of the U.S. (forgive the borrowing of Bill Hicks imagery for that one) in the hopes of felling it.

This particular poison barb, the attempt by illegals to stop work and not spend any money (amusingly enough the ANSWER people at the protests were trying to get them to donate that money to their “cause”) to show their true “power” over the U.S. economy has generated a lot of newspaper ink and editorials praising the act. It’s also gotten a fair share of opinion pieces calling the demonstration what it is, moronic. Define irony. A bunch of people who enter a country illegally demanding that that country grant them all the privileges and rights of full citizenship…or ELSE. As the saying goes, only in America.

In no other nation in the world would such a display be tolerated or in some circles encouraged. We are truly a unique land to tolerate such arrogance. Memo to the protestors though, and I know others have said this. If you want people to sympathize with your cause and echo your demand for rights, try not to wave the flags of foreign nations and anti-American banners during your protests. You get a lot more flies with honey than with Marxist rhetoric.

This perhaps was my largest source of amusement. Not only were they demanding rights, some of them were demanding land, in the form of several states. And others were demanding that the Yanquis in true ugly American form “go back where we came from”. Who says they’re not assimilating? Juevos grandes, amigos. Truly.

So, let’s break it down for the illegals crowd. You do not deserve rights. You entered as a criminal. You’re working as a criminal. You’re flaunting that you’re a lawbreaker…like some criminals! You deserve to go back to your home country and apply for citizenship to the U.S. the correct way like everyone else. Meanwhile, we’ll try to correct the mistakes and inefficiencies of our immigration policy, including those foisted on us by Teddy Kennedy in ’65.

When you come back, the Star Spangled Banner will be sung in English and there will be no bilingual service in the License Branch or at the ATM. English is the language of the United States. Get used to it. Millions of immigrants (including most of my ancestors) spoke other languages when they came here and they learned English. They adopted American culture and joined our Great Melting Pot (a phrase not used often enough anymore). You’re no better than them. You are not special. You’re just spoiled by an overindulgent and very active Leftist establishment in this country. Time you went to the wood shed, took your whoopin’ and came back to the U.S. in good time to become productive and LEGAL citizens of our nation. When that day comes, I’ll be there with the parade.


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