Friday, June 23, 2006

Magically Transforming Climate Into Politics

Remember the whole idea of a “Philosopher’s Stone”? In Medieval Times, it was thought of as an object that could magically transform materials, such as lead, to gold. In Al Gore’s latest attempt at staying relevant, his movie “An Inconvenient Truth”, Al highlights the magical transformation of Marxist Globalism and radical environmentalism (two none-too-dissimilar things) into a “scientific certainty”.

He does this by echoing the mantra of the “Humanity Sucks” crowd by saying the magic words “The debate in the science community is over.” But this, like many of the statements of the man who invented the Internet, is a bit of a lie. The debate has never been over. Science, for those who actually were trained in it (and two years of Seminary School doesn’t count as scientific training, Al) is about accepting that every theory put forth has the potential to be proven false. Saying “The debate is over” is an almost religious affirmation that your view can be the only view.

The debate most certainly is not over. Not when over 17,000 scientists have to date signed a petition that refutes claims that humanity is responsible for the current global warming phenomena. Not when individuals like Dr. William Gray, a man Discover Magazine notes is one of the “world’s most famous hurricane experts” says

"This human-induced global-warming thing... is grossly exaggerated... I'm not disputing there has been global warming. There was a lot of global warming in the 1930s and '40s, and then there was global cooling in the middle '40s to the early '70s. Nearly all of my colleagues who have been around 40 or 50 years are skeptical... about this global-warming thing. But no one asks us."

And most certainly not when men like James Hansen, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies notes:

"The natural fluctuations of climate are still large—at least, the natural fluctuations of weather compared to long-term climate change."

Or Neil Frank, former director of the National Hurricane Center lists global warming, very succinctly, as “a hoax”.

Considering these individuals alone, how can the debate be over? Could it just be that the debate is over in the hallowed halls of NPR or in leftist partisan groups like Greenpeace of the Sierra Club. Such dissenting voices are not alone, though. The fact that most of the dissent doesn’t seem to make it onto network TV or NPR, though, gives the perception that Gore is smarter than he looks. Smarter, I have no idea. Any man that could get the Chinese military to cough up cash for his boss’ reelection has to have some brains. Apolitical concerned citizen of the Earth? I think I’m going to be sick.

One wonders, even, if Gore was so dedicated to the cause of environmentalism, why was he so lackluster in pushing that cause when he was Vice President? There is no significant environmental contribution he can point to, nor does he point to, from his eight years at the right hand of the Left’s Anointed One, Clinton. He’s even loathe to delve too deeply into discussing his famous contribution to the Kyoto Accords, mostly because of his own failings in helping craft it. The Accords exempted developing nations, two of which, India and China, are responsible for a growing and increasingly toxic pool of pollutants. The Kyoto Accords were also the clarion call for Western civilization to voluntary commit seppuku and allow the developing nations to be its second. For those unfamiliar, seppuku is a form of Japanese ritual suicide and the “second” in such instances is responsible for lopping off the individual’s head should the sword he used to shred his guts fail to finish him, so I feel it’s rather a good description of Kyoto.

His own habit of little things like still reaping profits from his family’s tobacco interests, years after he supposedly abandoned them due to his sister’s death from lung cancer and the sale of mineral rights on oil-rich lands in the American southwest also show a distinct lack of concern for “the environment”. It shows a typical “collectivism and deprivation for thee but not for me” mentality, last witnessed by the nomenklatura in the USSR.

The prevailing mentality of those who preach “sustainability” and eco-harmony all seems to fall back on neo-Marxism. Neo-Marxists are globalists who feel the nation-state is in its twilight and that NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) and the UN will likely dominate the future culture of this planet. They also see socialism and collectivism as the natural tools of these organizations to dictate policy and the future of mankind. Modern-day radical environmentalism, like we see from Al Gore, relies heavily on these concepts. It’s not just a matter of industrial controls and regulations by governments or population or emissions controls that we’re talking about. There are also serious proposals being batted around by such groups calling for taxes on “all wealth” of the Earth, like gold and other mineral resources, oil and energy production, even land ownership to be redistributed to those “less fortunate” so that we may all share in the riches of Earth. That’s Marx 101. From each according to what he has to each we can claim to help by fleecing the living daylights out of the former.

Not only is Gore showing his true colors as a devoted Marxist and collectivist, he also shows his contempt for the U.S. and Western civilization by openly advocating our demise while ignoring those (like China) who don’t even show a fraction of the environmental protection that the U.S. rather abundantly shows. Gore lives in a fantasy world of his own creation, a world where he is our Savior from greedy corporatists and capitalists, from oil magnates and robber barons, while ignoring the reality that most of these entities are already either regulated into or voluntarily complying in the fight to protect the environment. Being an environmental polluter, you see, is bad for business. Being a communist nation that massively pollutes the environment, like China, is just the cost of doing business. Gore should stop ignoring the other players in the world and most importantly bury the “everyone’s cool but the U.S.” mentality he seems to have developed. Not only does it wreak with the stench of blatant hypocrisy, but it also exhibits the odor of a belief in the failed ideas of Marx as the salvation for an issue that humanity can’t demonstrably impact, global warming.

This planet warms and cools itself on its own schedule. It takes a giant leap of arrogance to look at less than 150 years of climate records out of the past 4.5 billion years of history, even the last few million, and assume we have the slightest to do with how the Earth behaves and what climatic path it pursues. But, that’s our Al Gore.

Hat tip to The Federalist for some of the information and quotes


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