Thursday, September 07, 2006

He Bangs His Head Against The Post…

It must be nice to walk through life with blinders on. George Stephanopoulos, former Clinton White House pretty-boy turned news hack has followed many a political hanger-on into the field of mass media. His qualifications seem to be that he can smile well and has a nice coif of hair. It certainly isn’t his skills in politics, at least not based on some of the things he’s been saying lately. Case in point, take this quote from ABC’s golden boy.

“If the deficit continued to grow, it’s not responsible to say you’re never going to raise taxes.”

That he uttered to the Republican Senatorial challenger against Lincoln Chaffee in Rhode Island, Stephen Laffey. Notice, there is no consideration for a reduction in government expenses. That is unthinkable. So much so is it unthinkable, that this response is almost automatic and Stephanopoulos is just a representative figure.

This belief has also showed itself among other newscasters and those on the Left who feel that a tax raise is only a natural choice in regards to a period of wartime. Regardless of their personal beliefs in the war and the rightness of it, they are more than willing to say that we Americans should tighten our belts and give over more of our income to the federal government because, well, we did it for FDR.

FDR, by the way, is likely the architect of our Constitution’s doom. It was his socialist programs that first saw the break from what had been over 150 years of solid government. Chips had been put in it certainly by previous presidents going back to Lincoln, but FDR took a wrecking ball to the whole concept of limited government and enumerated powers.

To therefore cite such an example as to why Americans need another tax hike is dubious at best. What the Left of both the Democrat and Republican parties need to do is get out of our pocket books and the sooner the better. We just wormed the simplest of tax cuts out of this President after years of seeing them raise under the last two.

If there’s a war on, of course we’ll pay for it, and pay for it we are. Some other programs might have to be cut in the process, though and now’s a perfect excuse to do so. The ill-fated Department of Education would be the first on my list. Much of that money could be returned to the states with likely a vast improvement in the quality of public education or better yet given to parents as vouchers, the dreaded V word.

A simple plan would be to cut every spending item that isn’t enumerated as a requirement of the federal government and you’d be amazed at the “surplus” we ended up with. The feasible plan unfortunately is that most of the worst of the socialist programs like Social Security, Medicaid/Medicare and the like will not go away because the Me-Me-Me None-For-You generation of baby boomers is reaching the age where they want the largesse those programs offer. Not that it’s that much. Have you ever been on any of those programs or known anyone that was? It’s nothing short of slavery. Perhaps it’s more akin to a drug addiction with the feds as the pusher. You’re given just enough money to live on, but with enough restrictions that you don’t try to do anything else for fear of losing the small dole you’ve been handed. Subsistence living isn’t living, but that’s all the feds can offer you, and this is supposed to be a good thing?

But I digress. That mediacrats such as Stephanopoulos can’t see the spending cuts for the trees is a fact of our age. They believe in big government and they believe it is the only way to save the country. What never seems to sink in for them, though, is who gets stuck with the check. That’s a lesson they sorely need to learn.


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