Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Read A History Book Other Than "Hug A Commie For Mommy" Howard Zinn's Please!

So I heard Keith Olbermann on Monday mouth off this little ditty regarding Bush's visit to Vietnam. In the middle of yet another in a long line of vomitous diatribes designed to mimic the bogus "Have you at long last no decency, sir" line of the McCarthy hearings, Keith chided Bush on his "failed policy" and linkage of war on terror by trying to link it to the old "Domino theory" of the Cold War by saying this.

"That stable, burgeoning, vivid country you just saw there is there because we finally had the good sense to declare victory and get out! The domino theory was nonsense, sir. Our departure from Vietnam emboldened no one. Communism did not spread like a contagion around the world."

I think, after reading that, I nearly spit up my tea. You heard it from Keith, master of history (at least the Howard Zinn version of it). Vietnam is a thriving, "vivid" country because we left. No mention of course of the dissidents still under house arrest or forbidden from communication from the outside world, the political prisoners whose only crime is disagreeing with the communist oligarchy in Vietnam, the 100's of thousands who were sent to reeducation camps and many of whom who did not make it back, the 1-2 million Cambodians who were exterminated like insects when the Khmer Rouge, in "DOMINO" fashion toppled Cambodia's government or the thousands who lost their lives in Laos for the same reason.

No, none of that happened, you see, because the U.S. left and the Domino theory was wrong and communism was really "agrarian reform". Oh--My--God. And this man has a TV show, on MSNBC granted but still. Dozens of people get their news from Keith. You think he'd at least have the good sense to give them honest history instead of communist agit prop. Or maybe he's just a historical idiot himself and doesn't known any better. Too bad ignorance is not a viable defense when it comes to history.

How anyone could be this blatant or this blind is beyond me. What aids him is our failing educational system, which produces like-minded drones who gobble this up as "the way it was". It's always U.S. = bad and leftist killers = good in the minds of such individuals and that would be sad if it wasn't so detrimental to our country as a whole. We need to become more mindful of teaching real U.S. history over much of this 60's and 70's leftist revisionist garbage that has infiltrated the schools where the next generation of citizens is being "educated". Start early and start often. It's the only true way to combat simpleton's like Keith.


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