Thursday, September 29, 2005

Pearls of Wisdom

I thought I'd share a few thoughts on two sadly misunderstood Amendments to the Constitution, the 9th and 10th. Just to refresh your memory, they read...

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Do you know what that means? In modern terms, it means 'we wrote a very specific document with very specific powers for the government and if we didn't put it in there, it's up to the States and the people to figure it out and not for the federal government to assume it has the right to decide what it wants to power over.

No nuances, no emanations of penumbras there, just very straight forward language from some very straight forward men. So how do we have this mammoth government with seemingly limitless power? And how did we get a Supreme Court that believes it's the secular equivalent of the tablets on the Mount (ironic considering their disdain for those tablets)? Dozens if not hundreds of books have been written on that, but perhaps I can offer a thought or two, just to crystallize the issue.

We, the People, let them do this to us. Them is every man and woman who went to washington and eventually got more concerned with their own power and self-importance than our freedom. That's not every person, by any means, but it has been the majority, and they have done a lot of damage. This corruption transcends party lines. Power corrupts, and makes a person crave more power. It's a drug, and most of Washington is hooked hard.

You can always vote out those abusers currently in office, but more importantly you have to hold every politician accountable. Make them justify their jobs. Make them remember that at the end of the day, they work for you.

In today's busy world, that's not an easy task, but it wasn't an easy task 200 years ago either. I've heard said before, "America isn't easy" and they're right. It's not. This is something we have to want and work hard to keep, even to restore. It's easy to let apathy help that slip away, but not much really worth having comes easy in this world. Our natural rights and freedoms (not civil rights, abortion on demand or whether we can marry that hot eucalyptus tree down the block) are worth fighting for. As dearly as our loved ones are worthy of every effort to keep them safe and healthy, so our are freedoms.

As you go about your day, I hope you will keep this in mind. God Bless America.


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