Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Straight Shooter

Ben Stein is likely one of the straightest shooters I know. The man has been in politics long enough to summarize things into very plain English for those outside the Beltway. His latest article in the American Spectator explains and ridicules the amazing blame game that started before Katrina had even stopped churning, both of the President and those trying to help.

President Bush is not the greatest President we've ever had. He's a firm believer in the nanny state, despite statements to the contrary, and he wants nothing to do with addressing the issue of our sieve-like borders, but I will say this. In a tragedy of this or any magnitude, he's a good man to have by your side, and despite what's being said, he has excelled with Katrina.

But I digress, read Stein's article and it should crystallize and refute all the arguments of the left rather succinctly for you.


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