Wednesday, April 05, 2006

He’s Damn Tired

The former Senate Republican Majority Leader, Trent Lott, had this to say recently about those of us who don’t like pork in our federal budgets.

"I'll just say this about the so-called porkbusters. I'm getting damn tired of hearing from them. They have been nothing but trouble ever since Katrina."

My response, of course, is that Trent needs to go home. Not just home to his house, but home away from the Senate. Retire sonny boy. When your statements are interchangeable with your opposition and we can’t tell the difference between you and Harry Reid, then you need to call it quits. Like John McCain, the poster boy for being out of touch with his constituency and Richard Lugar, you’ve overstayed your welcome in that esteemed body. You no longer understand truly what your constituents or the majority of your fellow citizens want and it shows. If you honestly think we want pork in general, if you honestly think that wasteful spending watchers are a “nuisance” rather than a valuable tool, then take a hike and don’t let the door hit you in the ass.

I’m damn tired of you and all your kind on both sides of the isle, who are so all-fired sure you know what’s best for us. You exist in your towers of inscrutable power and pretend you are for the common man, when I’m not sure you even know what the hell the common man is or does anymore.

We have serious problems out here in the real world and the last person we think should be trying to solve them…is you. That should tell you something. When you fail us on illegal immigration, continued tax reduction, budgetary control and limiting government, how do you expect us to care one lick what you’re tired of or more to the point why we should even turn an ear when you let us know how ‘damn tired’ you are of us.

If you think the answer to disasters like Katrina is to throw money at the problem, you’re lost to us. You’re lost to people who care about the government doing what it is intended to do. You only care about wiping your rear with our hard-earned and taken-at-gunpoint cash and then handing it off to whatever hand reaches further down your backside. If there’s an itch you need to scratch, Senator, I suggest you do it on your Mississippi sun porch and leave the business of running government to those not so burnt out or institutionalized as you and your kind. You represent no political party. You represent no constituency anymore.

You only represent Washington D.C., and we will not much longer be ruled by 535 tyrants who think they know how to run our lives better than we can. Bank on it.

Now, of course Senator Lott, I mean no disrespect to you personally. I’m sure you’re a fine man with good morals, like many of your colleagues. But you’re out of touch, you’re over the hill, and I’m just too damn tired to explain all the reasons why to you.

Hat tip to RightWingNews for the quote.


Blogger Mike Kole said...

Lott's getting tired of hearing about concerns about pork? Well! The shoe's on the other foot! We're tired of hearing about pork barrel spending, and its defenders such as Lott.

Mr. Lott! The door!

10:44 AM  

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