Friday, May 12, 2006

Candidate McCain

Senator John McCain (R?-AZ) has spent the last several months positioning himself as the frontrunner for the Republican nomination in 2008. It's gone so far that pundits and media types are already cooing over a potential Clinton/McCain showdown for the Presidency. With that, we would be given a choice of bad and worse for the country.

George Will in his latest column discusses some of the more recent idiosyncracies of the man who would be the Republican nominee. The most famous of his recent comments is quoted in Will's column from his appearance on the Don Imus show.

"I work in Washington and I know that money corrupts. And I and a lot of other people were trying to stop that corruption. Obviously, from what we've been seeing lately, we didn't complete the job. But I would rather have a clean government than one where quote First Amendment rights are being respected that has become corrupt. If I had my choice, I'd rather have the clean government.''

Well, it's good to see where his priorities are, although you might expect a bit more from someone who wants to "support, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States".

McCain represents the Washington establishment at its most pure and its most base. He represents Arizona about as much as David Duke represents the Nation of Islam. His concern is for incumbent power, hence McCain-Feingold and his further attempts to expand its control. He is completely out of touch with mainstream America or even his own constituents. His preferred method of getting press is to bash fellow Republicans and then fake right when he receives any serious, public challenge. In short, he is the consumate Washington Insider.

It's not a wonder so many pundits want to see McCain face off against Hillary in '08. There's no way the Left can lose (so they think) with two such vacillating giants of politics. Scarily, the two of them have more in common than they might ever admit. One area for certain comes to mind. They would both choose candidates as elastic as silly puddy to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court. One has no easy way of knowing which way such candidates may eventually rule, other than they will expand the judicial oligarchy already festering and growing in the federal government.

We've now had three successive presidents who've run a bit right, then eventually drifted left. Bush the Elder was a lackluster Kennebunkport liberal when he ran in the '80 primaries and proved eight years with Reagan couldn't change him. Clinton was a broken home poster boy who campaigned as an old South conservative Democrat and then quickly veered hard Left, only to be shoved back to the center by a newly arrived and unforgiving opposition party in Congress. Now Bush the Younger is equally shifting left. Scoring early points with conservatives in cutting taxes and a strong foreign policy, his complete failure to do anything about illegal immigration or energy issues and his strong desire to outspend his Texas cohort LBJ have shown that he's not much less liberal than his father on many issues.

Now, to compound that, we'll have a choice of more liberal or less liberal in the next election. With either McCain or Hillary you'll get a strong Washington Insider who gets played as a "maverick" or "strong individualist". You'll get more big government and guaranteed you'll see restrictions on any pesky freedoms that might get in the way of their agenda. You'll also get more appointed judges who believe as Candidates McCain and Clinton do that the Constitution is an outdated fossil, free for them to change and reinterpret at their leisure.

Both will be nanny presidents. They've already made it clear they know what's best for you, and require only your electoral mandate to prove it to you. When it's over, you'll be a little less free, the country will be a lot more in debt, socialism will have crept in a little further into our economy and our daily lives and America will be a faltering and weak contender in the foreign policy arena. W. Bush will leave and quite frankly no one will notice. His successor, be it a he or she, Republican (?) or Democrat (?) will govern further along the same lines to the point where with few exceptions (like foreign policy and the Courts) you won't be able to tell we've changed presidents.

In other words, and with only a few exceptions, FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!


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