Saturday, July 01, 2006

Just You Wait...

Why is it I so often hear this sentiment and so often see an utter lack of reason or rationale to it? A common phrase among the Left these days seems to be "Just you wait. We'll get a new Congress/President/Supreme Court, blah blah blah and things will be better".

"FILL IN THE BLANK" will be right once we've kicked out these morons and get the Democrats back in power. It could be the War, or poverty or the homeless (who by the way seem to show up whenever a Republican gets in office and head to their summer homes in Cancun when the likes of Clinton is President if you go by the news coverage) or Medicare/Social Security or any number of issues. I am always told the grass is greener on the Left side of the aisle. Mostly, Brian Williams, Al Franken Eleanor Clift and Michael Moore tell me, but hey.

Why just the other day, I was reading one of the local Lefty columnists railing about his apartment or Screech or something of that nature. He curiously came out of left field (as it were) at the end of his rant and lamented how he knew times were tough for everyone, but if we just waited til we got that New Congress, bright, shiny and looking to tax the living hell out of us, we'd all be singing kumbaya, drinking broccoli shakes and singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer weiner". Or was it Dennis Leary who said that? Anyway, his main point was (and has been in other columns) that our hard times would disappear when we got the likes of Kerry, Gore, Clinton or whoever the Leftist of the month currently is back into the White House with a lock-step like-minded majority in Congress.

THAT will solve America's problems. Ok, reality check for all the aging hipsters out there. No it won't. Just changing the Party in the majority sure as hell won't do anything to improve the country. Even worse, it's a left-leaning sold-their-soul-to-socialism Democrat Party, which amazingly enough is what Americans don't seem to want. They don't want illegal immigration. They don't want out of control spending. They don't want gun control. They don't want anything even remotely perceived as handing over an iota of sovereignty to the UN. They surely to God to not want higher taxes and additional social programs with more pork. Now, some of that, sadly, they're going to get with even Republicans because Republicans in Washington are about as conservative as a Nevada prostitute with her wares and surprisingly similar in how they conduct business.

They will get all of it and more if the Democrats are back fully in charge, because the Democrats have all but come out and said that is the plan. Daffy Dean, leader of the Dems, is quite adamant that he believes this is the best course for America and he favors Congressional and Presidential candidates who agree with him. Amazingly, sometimes it is about God, guns and gays, but the real flaw with the Democratic leadership is they seem to think that's all that's keeping the majority of Americans from voting for them. It's not. Sure, those are important issues and many Americans might soften to the Democrats if they took more conservative stances on such issues, but the majority still would realize the Bigger Government Party (there is no mainstream small gov party anymore and the Libertarians are still small guys) is not conducive to good times or good business for America.

Their last two Presidents, Clinton and Carter, had to fake right as Southern conservative Democrats to even get elected and even then didn't get a majority of the votes. Yes, contrary to popular belief, Bush wasn't the only one who didn't win a majority (well, he didn't in 2000). The Democrats are tanked as a serious power contender in this country. If they do get reelected, then we should seriously question what people are smoking these days, because their ideas mean more of a financial and social burden on everyone but those who don't work (and that includes the working poor), more failing schools, an absentee foreign policy and the social engineering experiment of the month. With all that against them, it'd take a miracle, and the Democrats don't really believe in the Guy who creates those.

Good times are here and this country's about as prosperous as it's going to get. Just look at the latest economic numbers. If you think the country is in the doldrums when we're doing this good, then you'll be "just waiting" for a Democrat who will really turn us toward economic oblivion. But don't worry, at least the Big Three news networks will make it seem like good times as we're all standing in tofu soup lines.


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