Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Enough Of This

We certainly debate and argue and bicker and seethe at points made by the opposite end of the political spectrum. For political junkies, no fight lacks passion, regardless of your affiliation. And even though we may not like each other's ideals, the majority of us appear to at least not want to make it personal. I mean really personal.

That's why when I see ridiculous nonsense like the kind of vitriolic pure venemous hatred aimed at people like Michelle Malkin, I have to wonder where the hell these people come from. This particular incident stems from her not letting go of the radical Leftists at UC Santa Cruz who forced military recruiters off campus recently. For some reason, she seems to draw an awful lot of racist, sexist foul language from what I can only assume are the worst our country and the Left's cause has to offer. By the way I hear the KKK is looking to Michelle's hatemail for a new mailing list membership drive.

You don't like her politics...fine. You don't like that a minority woman has different views than the crazed Left, well that's your tough luck. You think she's too extreme? Make your case to her in a civilized manner or just ignore her. But if you have to resort to calling her sexual curse words and racist slang, then you fit the bill of worst of the worst and all we can hope is that you yourselves do those of us on all sides of the political spectrum a huge favor and rot in Hell.

John Hawkins over at RightWingNews has some additional commentary. This, of course, isn't the first time she's had to put up with hate mail like this.


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